
Headline December 18, 2018/ '' ' ENGINEERED STUDENTS IMMORTALITY ' ''



''QUIET PLEASE - Quiet Please, quiet please, You Great Heroes!...........

NOW REMEMBER : THE DEVELOPING WORLD is one thick, intense, mucous, phlegm like, black tarrish, of TOTAL CORRUPTION

This drove, great republics like Proud Pakistan, to its very weak knees, whence and whither, Pakistan's formidable and proud son, ''The Captain'', had to suffer the ultimate humiliation, of begging around for merely eking out a survival of sorts:

''I am desperate!'' he didn't just say that, H.E. wept! Such situations are external to this very great man's life. This was probably the lowest point of his outstanding life of pure laurels.

With Almighty God's blessings, The World Students Society has begun confronting the Corrupt and Corruption the world over


Your crime ridden piracy days are coming to an end. and you just will have no shit hole to hide your stolen booty, stolen from the soul of the people of impoverished people of Pakistan and its students and their blinking future.

With that your manoeuvrings of involving poor innocent people and setting them up, will soon encounter Khalid bin Waleed's and Damocles swords.

!BY GOD! ................

Zilli, has moved your profile to unknown servers and both Merium and Rabo have your UK  coordinates. They will come calling, give you a thorough neighbourhood beating, and sue the damn  pants off you.''

''And you 'KA' your money laundering esoteric insights from law degrees, and custom and aviation resumes, and Ambassadorships, is about to end.

The students of America are being made available your coordinates. You will be hearing from them, rather soon.''

The Red Vest Revolution : The World Students Society, the master anti-corruption organization of the world, has worked up for execution : Dataism Dungeons.

It is interesting, said Professor Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, that unlike politicians, tech companies, [and The World Students Society], unlike politicians, do not need a free press, since they already control the means of message distribution.

He said he had resigned himself to tech executives, and [The World Students Society's] global reign, pointing out how much worse the politicians are.

''I've met a number of these high tech companies [and students] and generally they're good people,'' he said. ''They're not Attila The Hun. In the lottery of human leaders, you could get far worse.''

Some of his tech fans, he thinks, come to him out of anxiety. ''Some may be very frightened of the impact of what they are doing,'' Mr. Harari said.

''Still, their enthusiastic embrace of his work makes him uncomfortable. ''It's just rule of thumb in history, that if you are so much coddled by the elites it must mean that you don't want to frighten them,'' Mr. Harari said.

''They can absorb you. You can become the intellectual entertainment.''

Engineered Immortality : Chief executives testimonials to Mr. Harari's acumen are not hard to come by. ''I'm drawn to Yuval for his clarity of thoughts,'' Jack Dorsey, the head of Twitter and Square, wrote in an email.

And Mr. Hasting wrote :

 ''Yuval's is the anti Silicon valley persona - he doesn't carry a phone and and he spends a lot of time contemplating while off the grid. We see in him who we wish we were.'' He added, ''his thinking on A.I. and biotech in his new book pushes our understanding of the dramas to unfold.

At the dinner Mr. Hastings co-hosted, academics and industry leaders debated the dangers of data collection, and to what degree longevity therapies will extend the human life span.

[Mr. Harari has written that the ruling class will vastly outlive the useless]........

That evening was small but could be magnified to symbolize his image in the heart of Silicon Valley,'' said Fei Fei Li, an Artificial Intelligence expert....... .who pushed internally at Google to keep secret the company's efforts to process military drone footage for the Pentagon.

''His book has the ability to bring these people [and The World Students Society] together at a table, and that is his contribution.''

A few nights earlier, Dr. Harari spoke to a sold-out theater of 3,500 in San Francisco.

One ticketholder, an older man, told me it was a brave and honest for Mr. Harari to use the term  ''useless class''.

The Honor and Serving of the latest Global Operational Research on Technology, Means and Corruption  continues.

With respectful dedication to Grandparents, Parents, Leaders, Students, Professors and Teachers of the Developing World, and then the world.

With very loving and respectful dedication and full of admiration to Prime Minister H.E. Imran Khan, ''The Captain'' Zilli, Juniper, and Rapster.

See Ya all ''prepare'' for Great Global Elections and register on : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter-!E-WOW! - the Ecosystem 2011:

''' Master Purveyors '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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