!STUDENTS PLACE IN THE UNIVERSE! ........................
The World Students Society is the most crucial innovation in the way all generations, till the world so lasts infinity and beyond, will think about the Students place in the world.
The World Students Society - for every subject in the world, is the exclusive, and eternal ownership of every student in the world.
All Data, Scholarships, all ''social-security-ecosystem'', all film-rights, all add revenues, all profits, all and every asset, all book rights and all publishing, all grants -
All endowments, will and shall always be owned by the students of the world, overseen and governed by your elected body of members.
Grandparents, Parents, Professors, Teachers, illiterates, Little Angels, will also be, as anointed, Honored Members of The World Students Society.
There will be an ''International Committee'' to oversee, Great Things, and the committee will be chosen firstly, by the Founders,
The *Founding Members*, just so honored and distilled, will have powers to VETO.
Everybody is welcome on The World Students Society, where everybody stands equal before Almighty God and Humans.
THE POST-HUMAN TURN in thinking about rights, privileges and agency has resulted in efforts to overturn anthropocentrism in considering both living and non-living things as well as machinic and and algorithmic extensions of human beings.
However, discussing robot rights has remained, by writer and professor David K Gunkel's own admission, an 'unthinkable idea', something that is susceptible to distrust at best and ridicule at worst.
Hence, the new book Robot Rights is a crucial innovation in the way we think about our proper place in the world and relationships with entities of our own making.
And while questioning of this specificity and exclusivity of humaneness is what concerns the book to the wider post-humanist literature, David J Gunkal simultaneously engages with a broad spectrum of other literature spanning the domains of technology, law, communications, ethics and philosophy.
In trying to establish whether robots can and should have rights, David explores four main propositions, starting with an assertion that robots neither can nor should have rights.
After all, robots are typically perceived to be mere tools or technological artifacts, designed and manufactured for the specific purpose of human use, ie as a means to an end rather than ends in themselves.
As a result, the argument goes, there is simply no basis for a moral or legal status to arise, implying also that humans have have - no obligations to robots as independent entities.
The only obligation towards robots would arise from them being somebody's else property.
On the other hand, this node of thinking opens up some fundamental questions that David is right to point out.
Particularly, as robots get ever more sophisticated autonomous, their influence on the social and psychological states of human beings is increasingly on a par with that of fellow humans - and significantly exceeding the influence that mere tools can exert.
Hence, it would not be unreasonable to assume that such effective capacity, instead of the nature of the affecting object, should count as the main criterion for attribution of moral status and, therefore rights and privileges.
As a result, it would perhaps be wrong to reduce all technological artifacts to tools regardless of their design and operation.
The Honor and Serving of the latest Global Operational Research on Robots, Students and Rights continues. The World Students Society thanks authors and researchers of Daily Times Monitor.
With respectful dedication to the Grandparents, Parents, Leaders, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world.
See Ya all prepare for Great Global Elections and ''register on : wssciw.blogspot. com and Twitter- E-!WOW! - the Ecosystem 2011:
''' Thesis & Thanks '''
Good Night and God Bless
SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless
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