
Headline February 24, 2018/ '' 'SCIENCE -SERVING- SOCIETY' ''



The students of the entire world. In particular, give a standing ovation to the Founders, for their sacrifices, and services to causes and servings of Humanity.

Merium, Rabo, Haleema, Dee, Saima, Seher, Zilli, Zainab. Juniper, Dusyarn Tini, Seher, Lakshmi, Shahbano, Emaan, Nina, Aqsa, Sameen, Hussain, Shahzaib, Bilal, Ali, Vishnu, Haider, Jordan, Salar, Zaeem, Danyial,  Hazeem, Reza, Ghazi, Faraz, and

Little Angels : Maynah, Maria, Ibrahim, Haanyia and Merium

IF WE CONSIDER the state of scientific literacy in the entire Developing World, we can clearly see  that sufficient progress has been made in this regard.

The number of universities and professional institutions has considerably increased. Many of these  institutions have also churned out doctors, engineers and IT graduates.

Say, in Pakistan, The Higher Education Commission [HEC] has played a vital role in facilitating these positive developments by providing adequate scholarships and other opportunities to obtain  higher education in that country and abroad at relatively low cost.

As a result many PhD scholars who have been sent abroad have returned to the country with the latest scientific knowledge and skills.

NGOs and the civil society have also contributed a great deal to these pursuits and the media has given ample coverage to science-related activities, issues and programmes.

Despite all these efforts, the extent of ''scientific literacy'' cannot be deemed satisfactory. Even now people are living a life that is far removed from the benefits of science.

Before we move further, it is necessary to understand the term ''scientific literacy'' doesn't imply that a person has a degree in a scientific field. Instead, it involves a person adopting a scientific approach towards everyday life.

In other words we can argue that a person who knows what to eat, what to drink, what to wear, how to keep himself healthy and what to do when he/she falls ill is scientifically literate.

The extent of scientific literacy in the Developing world is unsatisfactory. Therefore the efforts that have been made by the respective governments and other key-stake holders in the fields of food, health, agriculture, public health, energy forestry and the environment haven't had the desired effect.

Without involvement from the public in this regard, it is impossible to establish a culture of science in society.

It is vital to create awareness about scientific literacy on a mass level through journalism and  facilitate a culture of science in the Developing World. This was the sole reason why the Science Journalism Society of Pakistan [SJSP] was established in Peshawar in April 2018.

It is our fundamental duty to improve the quality of  life by developing a culture of science in our society.

The primary aim of this is to inculcate community development and use science journalism for the welfare of society to prevent diseases, pollution, climate change, deforestation, and the worlds severe water shortages.

Steps should also be taken to ensure the participation of the community in science-related activities through seminars, conferences, workshops and expos.

Those initiatives will build awareness about the about the importance of science. Linkages could be created between academia and media to develop a mutual relationship that can improve people's lives by focusing on health, the environment, agriculture, forestry, biodiversity, narcotics control and human development.

The media ought to highlight any new research that is being conducted at universities and research centres regarding scientific advancement. Suitable steps should be taken to promote new scientific ideas and developments.

The sole object of those efforts is to set a new trend in the Developing World that is based on science.

It is widely believed that every country must have a clear and well-defined scientific vision to achieve its aims and objectives. Without this, it will not be able to prepare an effective roadmap for sustainable development.

In the modern world, wealth creation is the outcome of scientific advancement. Access to science plays a pivotal role in bringing about widespread changes in our society.

In addition, science has a significant role to play in improving economies and living standards across the world.

The World Students Society, - for every subject in the world, thanks author and researcher Asif Khan Turk.

With respectful dedication to the Leaders, Students, Professors and Teachers of the Developing World, and then the world. See Ya all prepare for Great Global Elections and ''register'' on : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter - E-!WOW! - the Ecosystem 2011:

''' Science & Servings '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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