!WOW! : ERIC SCHMIDT - SERGEY BRIN - LARRY PAGE and the entire team, to the very last head count - for them, and just for them all : The Bells Toll.
The World Students Society - the exclusive ownership of every student in the world - led by the Great Students of America, stops and rises, yet again, for a rousing ovation
Google made the world different for completeness. Google is most people's portal to the Internet. Google brought the information in the service of humanity. The World Students Society will take the world forward to other realms.
If you are looking for an article you read a while back but can't find now - or if you specifically want to see what one of your most trusted has to say about a topic - you can use the site : operator to limit your search to that specific publication.
{This is especially useful for sites that don't have a search function - though it's often better than a site's built-in search bar, too.}
Let's say I want to read bout the nuclear deal, but I prefer coverage from The New York Times. Instead of Googling US Iran deal for the latest news, I can search site: nytimes.com Iran deal to see coverage only from The Times.
This also allows me to see everything The Times has done on the topic going back weeks or months, rather than my results getting cluttered with versions of today's news from other publications.
Ready for a more advanced lesson? Tricks like the site : operator are great, but they take a while to type out - especially of you search for Times content regularly.
You can save yourself precious seconds on every search by creating a short keyword for bits of text you search for regularly, if your browser supports it, and most do.
That way, instead of typing site : nytimes.com every time, you can just type nyt in your browser's address bat, add your search terms, and get right to the good stuff.
To do this, perform an example search on Google, then copy the URL from the address bar. Using the above example, my URL is
This is what we'll use to create our shortcut. In Chrome, right-click the address bar, choose ''Edit Search Engines,'' and click ''Add'' to create a new one with nyt as the keyword. In Firefox, right-click the Bookmarks Bar and create a new bookmark instead with nyt as the keyword.
Paste the search in the URL copied earlier into the ''Search Engine'' or ''Location'' box, and replace your search terms with %s [making sure to leave in any terms you want to keep as part of the keyword]. So, since I want my nyt shortcut to search site : ny-times.com and whatever search terms i add, my URL would look like this:
http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Anytimes.com +%s.
See how I replaced Iran+deal with %s in the URL? Now, whenever I type into the address bar, I can search The New York Times for any terms I want.
I use this for all kinds of common searches; sites I like [nyt searches site:nytimes%s], authors I trust [jk searches Jolie Kerr %s] or - if you want to get really advanced - other URL tricks, like getting driving directions from Google Maps [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hI=en&q=from+123+main+street+to+%s].
Finally, not all searches are are made-up of words. Sometimes it can be handy to know where a certain photo came from or to find a larger version of it. You probably know you can type a few words to find a photo with Google's Image Search and Google will find other versions of that photo for you.
A few years ago, I was searching for an apartment, and found one that looked great - it had the number of bedrooms I needed, in the part of town I wanted to be in, and the photos looked nice.
But I found it on one of those ''members only'' apartment listing sites, so I had to pay a monthly subscription in order to get the name, address and contact into the info of the complex.
Not to be outdone, I dragged the building's photo to my desk top, then dragged it into Google images. Google found another site that had used that photo : the building's official website, where I could call or email and directly about open units for rent.
Google isn't the only site that has this feature, either. TinEye is a similar tool with a few more options, if you're trying to find where the image first appeared.
EBay's iPhone and Android Apps also let you search by image, which is useful if you're trying to find a rare piece of china with no markings, or something like that.
It doesn't always work, but when you're in a bind, it's worth a shot - and if nothing else it may give you another clue to add to your search terms.
With respectful dedication to Mankind, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world.
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'' Long Hand Arms '''
Good Night and God Bless
SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless
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