
Headline, April 04 2019/ ''' '' EUROPEAN'S' STUDENTS ENUMERATES '' '''

''' '' EUROPEAN'S' 


''THE WHOLE TERM 'social distancing' is wrong,'' says Mr. Horvat, a 37-year-old Croation philosopher currently unable to leave Vienna.

''It's physically distancing - but people are becoming closer socially, and emotionally and mentally.'' 

In recent decades, the economic and interests of older and younger generations diverged, said Keir Milburn, the author of ''Generation Left'',  a book about generational divides in Western politics.

ACROSS Germany - schoolchildren and university students from Fridays for Future - a student-led climate movement - that is often framed in generational terms - quickly canceled both their weekly public protests and their planning meetings.

For Quang Paasch a 19-year-old spokesman for the group in Berlin, there was an irony in how governments and communities have responded radically to a coronavirus crisis that -

That disproportianately affects the old - while consistently avoiding similarly radical responses to a climate crisis that disproportionaately affects the young.

''Its a kind of generational conflict,'' Mr. Paasch added. The climate crisis is a crisis of both the future and ''the now,'' he said. ''The corona crisis is about just now.''

But younger activists like Mr. Paasch also found something hopeful in the drastic actions being taken by the governments across Europe - because they might normalize the concept of large scale state intervention.

''All the politicians of the last years have said : Oh, it's not possible to act,'' Mr. Paasch said. ''But now we see it is possible.'' 
FOR some in Europe, a very sincere rush to help their elders. This reaction contradicts widely held view of youthful indifference.

When the Austrian Parliament announced severe restrictions on movements some weeks ago, two young Austrian roomates rushed to two supermarkets and and a pharmacy before the rules took effect.

Andreas Bencic and Thomas Christi, both 25, weren't stocking their own larder. Instead, they posted handmade signs outside each shop, each an offer to help the elderly or the inform with their shopping during the coronavirus shutdown.

''You sit at home, you're bored, you see the whole world is going nuts,'' said Mr. Bencic, a student at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. ''We thought it was a nice thing to do, just to protect the older generation.''

The early days of the coronavirus shutdown have sometimes been interpreted  through the prism of  intergenerational tension : The young, seemingly less at risk to the virus, party on, as the elderly retreat into terrifying isolation.

In Berlin, on Monday morning, 36 hours after the city shuts its nightclubs, a group of youngsters spilled mostly into residential street after an all-night house party, oblivious to older neighbors hurrying past with their shopping.

But as Mr. Bencic's gesture showed, there is a complexity to generational responses to the  coronavirus, not least in Europe, where the disease appears to have spread sooner and faster. While some young people have blithely ignored the warnings, others have heeded calls for cross -generational solidarity.

But the urgency of the coronavirus crisis might force generations to find a common cause, since it has suddenly elevated the social value placed by older generations on the precarious, low-wage workers carried out by younger people in supermarkets, cleaning, transport and food delivery.

''There's been a disconnect which has now been remedied,'' said Dr. Milburn, a politics lecturer at the University of Leicester in Britain. ''As soon as the crisis strikes, you immediately see that the autonomy of someone who is a bit older and wealthier rests on hidden work.''

There are also fears that restrictions on human movement in force across Europe will eventually numb people to authoritarian actions in post-pandemic context.

''It's complicated for us who re critical of governments, because you need full restriction'' to stop the transmission of the disease, said Mr. Horvat. But ''what kind of   effect  will  this have on the future of democracy?''

The Honor and serving of the Latest Global operational Research on State-of-Affairs, and Changes and Students, continues. The World Students Society thanks author Patrick Kingsley.

With respectful dedication to the Leaders, Students, Professors and Teachers of Europe, and then the world.

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''' Europe & Elders '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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