
Headline, April 05 2019/ ''' '' ROTIES* KAPRA MAKAN '' ''' : INTERNET



''O'' STUDENTS! : OVER ALL THESE MANY YEARS, spanning close to a decade - I have besieged you all, by saying :
How the world survives, will, totally depend on the The Students of  the World.

Your moment of truth arrives, as in Proud Pakistan, O''Captain Imran Khan announces ''Corona  Relief Tigers'' :

As Proud Pakistan, seizes up its main line of defense, the Founder Framers, are ready the world over :
Merium, Rabo, Dee, Haleema, Shahzaib, Bilal, Jrdan, Salar, Hussain, Zilli, Saima, Sara, Seher, Ali, Ehsan, Armeen, Ghazi, Aqsa, Haider, Vishnu, Lakshmi, best all buckle up.

THE STUDENTS OF INDIA AND PAKISTAN and even all those over the Developing World,  WORLD - for a damn good reason can figure these words that Head the Headline.

As the World begins its Education Lockdown, from the physical, it all metamorphs into a ''virtual reality''. The footprints can be clearly tracked : ''Roties, Kapra, Makan - aur Internet'' becomes the battle cry the world over. And that's how the former Google executive Tania Aidrus underscored her vision for say, Digital Proud Pakistan.

Like India, Pakistan, a tech-driven society in which all citizens are connected. However, it will take many, many years for that dream to become a reality.

ACCORDING TO A REPORT OF THE Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, the total world military expenditure has risen to $1,822 billion in 2018, representing an increase of 2.6 pc from the previous year.

WHILE the US is obviously the biggest spender, there are other countries too that have really spiked their defence budgets, fueling regional tensions. For them, public health has remained a zero priority.

IT used to be a distraction from our 'real' lives. Article and essays bemoaning the time we spent on the Internet were cause of mourning.

People decried the corrosive effects of social media, its ability to create enmities and jealousies, false truths and fake lives. They were all correct; the digital harassment of vulnerable people, women and minorities among them, was and is a truth.

Lives and careers were destroyed by tweets or Facebook posts. Nothing, it appeared, was 'real' unless it was shared and liked and posted.

All of that has changed in this age of quarantine. The emergence of an invisible enemy, one that has forced billions of Earth's erstwhile inhabitants indoors, is birthing, with each spent in seclusion, a new reality.

The old and historical nature of our present moment means, in effect, that we are at point zero. Everything that happened before this point will be considered and theorised based on the cataclysm through which we are now living. Books that had meaning may not anymore, pastimes that were possible have slipped into the murky real of the impossible.

Virtual Reality - the other world, so to speak - has in this moment of transformation became the sum total of reality.

In the time before the coronavirus struck, we had the actual world to use as props for our glossy and colour-corrected Instagram posts and Facebook brags. A whole new breed of stardom was created on this basis.

The social media 'influencer' and the 'YouTuber' with millions of followers were all engrossed in creating content, new norms, new standards and new comparisons for others to ape and adore.

The rest of us for at least most of us followed their lead. With the use of Instagram filters and photo -corrections and selfie-sticks and special lighting, we tried to transform our cups of chai, our get -together with friends, a small flower in the garden, a pile of fruit on a vendor's cart into works of art. Social events were the best material for social media; if a future historian goes through social media posts of the Developing World before the -

The coronavirus arrived, they would consist entirely of celebrity weddings, including the 'causal outakes' by this or that newlywed starlet, followed by glut of other weddings and with everyone else acting like the influences who came before.

Social life was lived in part and in full consciousness of how it would look on social media.  Vengeance happened in the bad and tagged pictures of others, love was the duckfaced selfie that became a stock, if bizarre, pose for a generation of women.

In these times of coronavirus, virtual reality is all of reality. instead of something optional, in which we could create more photogenic, more popular, more richer and cooler versions of our selves, we are now reliant on it as the staple means of communication.

There is no doubt that what we are living through will transform the world around us and all of us who inhabit it.

The Honor and Serving of Latest Global Operational Research on the State-of-the-World, continues.  The World Students society thanks authors Zahid Hussain and Rafia Zakria.

With respectful dedication to the Students, Professors and Teachers of the World. See Ya all prepare and register for Great Global Elections on The World Students Society : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter !E-WOW! - The Ecosystem 2011 :

''' Relief Realms '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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