REALITY '' '''
HOW WILL THE WORLD SHIELD STUDENTS FROM HARM? PARENTAL anxiety is strikingly evident in recent polls including one released last month by U.S.A. Today/IPSOS.
Leaders, elected officials should find it sobering that six in 10 parents say that they are likely to continue home learning instead of sending their kids back to school this fall.
One in five teachers say they are unlikely to to return to their classrooms. And when parents and teachers are considered together, about four in 10 oppose returning to school at all until a coronavirus vaccine is available - in others words possibly years from now.
Here's what it will be like when employees at CISCO, the American telecom communication equipment maker, return to the office :
Before heading in each day, workers will be required to log on to a new app the company designed, and answer several questions about their health. Have they had a close contact in the last 14 days with anyone who has received a Covid-19 diagnosis or is suspected of having a coronavirus infection?
Within the last 24 hours have they experienced chills, shortness of breath or loss of taste or smell?
If they report themselves to be healthy the app gives them a green screen that reads ''Pass.'' If not, the app flashed red and reads, ''Do not come to the worksite.''
Those who are cleared to go into the office will be stopped in the lobby. There, they will have to show the all-clear screen from their app. After that, they will walk through a thermal screener temperature check. Anyone with a fever will be sent home. Those without one can get to work.
Now that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended sweeping changes to American offices, companies around the country are preparing elaborate new routines intended to keep their employees healthy.
In many cases, the changes will transform workaday offices into fortified sites resembling biohazard labs.
''It's going to be a very different experience in the office,'' said Fran Katsoudas, Cisco's chief peoples officer. ''It is going to take a lot of work, but it can be done.''
Simply complying with the C.D.C. suggestions will present major hurdles for many companies, especially those in skyscrapers and dense urban centers. Amalgamated Bank, which has offices in New York and Washington, has decided that the earliest it will bring office workers back is September and is still ''digesting'' the C.D.C. recommendations.
Leaders, elected officials should find it sobering that six in 10 parents say that they are likely to continue home learning instead of sending their kids back to school this fall.
One in five teachers say they are unlikely to to return to their classrooms. And when parents and teachers are considered together, about four in 10 oppose returning to school at all until a coronavirus vaccine is available - in others words possibly years from now.
Here's what it will be like when employees at CISCO, the American telecom communication equipment maker, return to the office :
Before heading in each day, workers will be required to log on to a new app the company designed, and answer several questions about their health. Have they had a close contact in the last 14 days with anyone who has received a Covid-19 diagnosis or is suspected of having a coronavirus infection?
Within the last 24 hours have they experienced chills, shortness of breath or loss of taste or smell?
If they report themselves to be healthy the app gives them a green screen that reads ''Pass.'' If not, the app flashed red and reads, ''Do not come to the worksite.''
Those who are cleared to go into the office will be stopped in the lobby. There, they will have to show the all-clear screen from their app. After that, they will walk through a thermal screener temperature check. Anyone with a fever will be sent home. Those without one can get to work.
Now that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended sweeping changes to American offices, companies around the country are preparing elaborate new routines intended to keep their employees healthy.
In many cases, the changes will transform workaday offices into fortified sites resembling biohazard labs.
''It's going to be a very different experience in the office,'' said Fran Katsoudas, Cisco's chief peoples officer. ''It is going to take a lot of work, but it can be done.''
Simply complying with the C.D.C. suggestions will present major hurdles for many companies, especially those in skyscrapers and dense urban centers. Amalgamated Bank, which has offices in New York and Washington, has decided that the earliest it will bring office workers back is September and is still ''digesting'' the C.D.C. recommendations.
''We wanted to make sure we give ourselves enough time for proper planning,'' said Edgar Romney, an Amalgamated executive running the bank's return-to-work task force. ''There's a lot of information about what you should be doing, but there are a lot of questions about how you should be doing it.''
For example the C.D.C. recommends limiting elevator use to maintain social distancing of six feet. Amalgamated, which leases space in crowded office buildings, shares elevators with many other tenants.
''We have to understand what building management's plan is going to be,'' Mr. Romney said. ''What are they doing about elevators?''
Even at companies that occupy entire buildings elevators are a vexing problem.
''It can't be two people per elevator in a high rise,'' said Rob Faizon, a vice chairman of Prudential, which occupies several large in Newark. That wouldn't be feasible. ''It would take us two to three hours just to get everyone in.''
One possible solution? Prudential is considering putting ultraviolet lighting in elevators so surfaces are continuously disinfected.
Another C.D.C. suggestion - that companies limit employees use of public transportation - is also impractical in cities like New York, when millions of people commuted to work that way before the pandemic.
''There are some real practical limitations to the guidance they've provided,'' said Jim Underhill, chief executive of Cresa, a commercial real estate firm. ''In dense urban environments, you can't have everyone drive their car in alone. And in a 70-story high rise, you can't limit two people to the elevator.''
There are also very real concerns about whether strictly following the C.D.C. guidelines may strip offices of much of their vibrancy.
''One of the biggest reasons for going back into the offices is so people can collaborate,'' Mr. Underhill said. ''But when the whole premise is to stay away from people and wear masks, it challenges the very reasons why people would be coming back.''
The Honor and Serving of the Latest Global Operational Research on World and Reopening, continues. The World Students Society thanks author David Gelles.
With respectful dedication to the Leaders, Parents, Students, professors and Teachers of the world. See Ya all prepare and register for Great Global Elections on The World Students Society : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter - !E-WOW! - The Ecosystem 2011:
''' Bio Hazard Lab '''
For example the C.D.C. recommends limiting elevator use to maintain social distancing of six feet. Amalgamated, which leases space in crowded office buildings, shares elevators with many other tenants.
''We have to understand what building management's plan is going to be,'' Mr. Romney said. ''What are they doing about elevators?''
Even at companies that occupy entire buildings elevators are a vexing problem.
''It can't be two people per elevator in a high rise,'' said Rob Faizon, a vice chairman of Prudential, which occupies several large in Newark. That wouldn't be feasible. ''It would take us two to three hours just to get everyone in.''
One possible solution? Prudential is considering putting ultraviolet lighting in elevators so surfaces are continuously disinfected.
Another C.D.C. suggestion - that companies limit employees use of public transportation - is also impractical in cities like New York, when millions of people commuted to work that way before the pandemic.
''There are some real practical limitations to the guidance they've provided,'' said Jim Underhill, chief executive of Cresa, a commercial real estate firm. ''In dense urban environments, you can't have everyone drive their car in alone. And in a 70-story high rise, you can't limit two people to the elevator.''
There are also very real concerns about whether strictly following the C.D.C. guidelines may strip offices of much of their vibrancy.
''One of the biggest reasons for going back into the offices is so people can collaborate,'' Mr. Underhill said. ''But when the whole premise is to stay away from people and wear masks, it challenges the very reasons why people would be coming back.''
The Honor and Serving of the Latest Global Operational Research on World and Reopening, continues. The World Students Society thanks author David Gelles.
With respectful dedication to the Leaders, Parents, Students, professors and Teachers of the world. See Ya all prepare and register for Great Global Elections on The World Students Society : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter - !E-WOW! - The Ecosystem 2011:
''' Bio Hazard Lab '''
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