
Headline, June 30 2020/ ''' '' AMAZON'S DISCRIMNATION AMOUNTS '' '''

''' '' AMAZON'S 


AMOUNTS '' '''

THE WORLD STUDENTS SOCIETY - for every subject in the world - is the only organization in the world where there is zero, absolutely zero, discrimination.

The World rises to give the Founder Framers a resounding standing ovation : Merium, Rabo, Haleema, Zilli, Dee, Saima, Sara, Armeen, Juniper, Dantini, Aqsa, Hussain, Shahzaib, Ali, Ehsan, Sannan, Haider, Salar, Vishnu, Jordan, Zaeem, Bilal, Danyial, and

Little Glorious Angels : Maynah, Maria, Hanyia, Harem, Merium, Eden, Ibrahim, Harem, and darling Sofia.

The World Students Society is the exclusive ownership of every student in the world and we all stand equal before God and Man.

JUST RECENTLY, JEFF BEZOS, AMAZON'S chief executive, wrote a rare note to all of the company's employees.

His leadership team has been reflecting on the ''systemic racism'' facing black communities, he said, and he urged employees to take time to learn and reflect on June-teenth, the holiday marking the end of slavery in the United States.

''I'm cancelling all my meetings on Friday, and I encourage you to do the same if you can,'' he said.

Race unrest grows at Amazon and the employees say company is riddled with a 'systemic pattern'' of discrimination.

IN APRIL, before George Floyd was killed in police custody in Minneapolis a group of midlevel employees wrote to Mr. Bezos and his senior team, saying there was ''a systematic pattern of racial bias that permeates Amazon, '' according to emails viewed by the New York Times.

They said they had been prompted to write after a leak of meeting notes showed that David Zapolsky. Amazon's general counsel, had called a black warehouse employee in Staten Island ''not smart or articulate.''

Mr. Zapolsky said his comments had been ''personal and emotional'' and that he had not known that the employee was black. But in their email, the corporate employees said ''it was not an isolated incident, but rather a symptom of bigger problem.''

They said Amazon had adopted the entrenched racism that plagued America, evidenced by the  ''homogeneity'' of its leadership, compared with ''the rich racial and ethic diversity amongst our hourly worker population.''

The group proposed almost a dozen specific changes, including a third-party audit of bias, release of digital figures on race and promotions, establishment of goals for representation in management and leadership roles and inclusion of the head of diversity as a member of Bezos' S-Team.

Amazon said that senior leaders had offered resources to help the group develop their suggestions into a formal proposal.

On Tuesday, Microsoft, one of Amazon's top competitors for talent, said it would spend $150 million on diversity efforts and planned to double the number of black managers and senior employees by 2025.

Mr. Bezos leadership team in recent weeks has been holding ''listening circles'' with black employees, and many Amazon executives have written personal emails to their departments.

Some teams have  moved away from biased technical terms, ditching phrases like ''black lists'' and ''white lists'' to connote network access, according to an email shared among some employees.

But many employees want more to be done. They have been collaborating on a document to propose that Amazon make diversity a new ''leadership principle,'' the guiding list of attributes Amazon uses to hire, review and promote workers.

In the document, dozens of employees anonymously cited experiences of discrimination in daily work interactions. When a black employee ''said something honest, he was told, ''You're not earning  trust,'' one wrote.

''But when a white Stanford M.B.A. said the exact same thing, he got an accolade.'' Others wrote about being passed over for promotions, or not being mentored.

The document was earlier reported by Business Insider.
Ms. Anderson said that the anecdotes ''do not reflect our values.'' The company does not tolerate workplace discrimination, she said, and it investigates all claims reported through official channels.

She added that the current leadership principles encouraged diversity because they ''remind team members to seek diverse perspectives, learn and be curious, and constantly earn other's trust.

In the warehouses where Ms. Williams and the bulk of Amazon's black employees work, the concerns of some workers can be even more explicit.

Mr. Corina; in his discrimination complaint filed in California, said Amazon repeatedly failed to respond adequately to racist graffiti in bathrooms of the warehouse where he works east of Los Angeles.

Mr. Corina, who is involved with local-branch of the National Association for the Advancement of the Colored People, said that since November he had repeatedly reported  racist graffiti and that the language had worsened after Mr. Floyd's death.

Some used racial epithets to express hatred toward black people and said that they should ''go back to Africa''.

Meanwhile, Amazon spokeswoman, Juci Anderson, said that the company stood in solidarity with the black community and that it was ''committed to helping build a country and a world where everyone can live with dignity and free from fear.''

She said employees had been free to take vacation or accrued unpaid time off to attend Juneteenth events. ''We respect and encourage their choice to do so,'' she said.

The Global Operational Research and publishing on Racism, continues. The World Students Society thanks author Karein Weise.

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SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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