
Headline, July 03 2020/ ''' '' DIGITAL ETIQUETTES DIGRESS '' '''


 DIGRESS '' '''

ON THE WORLD STUDENTS SOCIETY : THE NO 1 THING to remember is to be kind, respectful, caring and understanding to others and to yourself. And ..

And with that, I have the singular honor to recommend and nominate to the Founder Framers, the world over  :

Usman Mahar, Department of Anthropology,  University of Munich, Germany, a doctoral researcher to the 'Shining Light' : as the Global Head of Digital Etiquettes on The World Students Society, for the year 2020.

REMEMBER : ''Social Media is a place where you definitely see emotional contagion happening really easily,'' said Aaron Ballick, a psychotherapist and author in London. ''And unfortunately, what I like to call our psychological and 'hot' emotions the outrage and anger, tend to be more contagious than warm, cuddly feelings.''

Given everyone is already on edge, you may want to be a bit more careful with your own social media posts. A bit of gallows humour can actually be prosocial in bringing friends closer, but it's probably not something you want to share publicly. Stick to private chat where people understand the content.

It may also be a good idea to create some coronavirus-free digital spaces, such as a Whatsapp group in which you talk about any other topic. In the past, sharing endless pictures of home baking on Instagram, could be perceived as somewhat insufferable, but now the digital carb influx is a nice retreat from Covid-19 horror stories.

At the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, a new phrase started appearing in my inbox with sudden regularity. the usual chorus of ''Hope You're well!'' was replaced, as if overnight, by a more somber, knowing variation : ''Hope you are well in these difficult times.'' oh, how things have changed.

The pandemic has caused the way we communicate to evolve, and our relationship with technology is being pushed into new territory.

Although the world is slowly reopening, much of our professional and personal lives will continue to be lived almost entirely online for the foreseeable future. Digital etiquette rules remain more important than ever.

It's certainly no time for pedantry, but a base level of etiquette is critical to keeping up good relations  and avoiding miscommunication of a time when everyone's already stressed enough  .

The biggest lockdown-induced shift in our relationship to technology is the video call, whether it's via Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts or something similar.

Many social aspects of life are slowly moving back to the physical space, but, for many people returning to an office is a long way off, so keeping up your video - meeting etiquette will continue to be crucial.

''When you're in a group, we make eye contact and we use our body language to signal that we want to say something, and other people are able to pick up on that,'' said Anna Cox, a professor human -computer interaction at University College London. ''But when we're not together, we can't share that information in the same way.''

It's hard to tell on a video call if someone is looking at you, someone else or absent - mindedly browsing an inbox. Also, any cross-talk soon renders conversation impossible.

To avoid this, the simplest thing to do is to use a system of hand-raising; some video apps have a function to do this digitally, or you can just raise a finger to the camera.

Setting a clear agenda for the call, which is always good meeting etiquette, is even more important.

While the rules are somewhat more relaxed if the video call is social rather than professional in nature, Professor Cox still advises appointing someone, however informally, as the call leader whose job is to make sure everyone has a chance to speak.

You could start, for example, by taking turns to update one another on what you have been doping before allowing the conversation to flow more freely.

One important point of etiquette around video calls is the mute button: Use it frequently, and use it wisely. in a larger call of, say more than five people, you should always mute your microphone when when not actually speaking to prevent the discussion from being overwhelmed by a cacophony of background noise.

Just remember to click the button again before you next speak or else endure the shame of that now well-worn chant : ''You're on mute!''

The Honor and Serving of the Latest Global Operational Research on Changing Digital Times, continues. The World Students Society thanks author Victoria Turk.

With respectful dedication to the Grandparents, Parents, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world. See Ya all prepare and register for Great Global Elections on The World Students Society : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter - !E-WOW! : The Ecosystem 2011:

''' Manners & Mandates '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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