ON THE WORLD STUDENTS SOCIETY : the exclusive ownership of every student in the world, I am struggling to put into great glorious motion the availability of -
Free online psychiatric care, for students the world over. I do that to also honour the memory and service of my Saintly father, from the lineage of 17 Saints : Dr. Mohammed Akbar Khan Hashmi Querishi, who preached and served his entire life and being : Patients of Mankind.
It is just a question of time, before Almighty God blesses our efforts with great success Doctors and patients have begun switching to talking remotely, and it seems to be working wonders.
IF WIDELY USED APPROACHES SUCH AS cognitive-behavior therapy lose something special by being virtual, it is not evident from the studies done so far. But with the threat of the coronavirus, safety is now a paramount concern.
''MY PSYCHIATRIST LITERALLY SAVED MY LIFE - about 10 years ago, when I had a couple of suicide attempts,'' said Margaret 70, a retired nurse- who received in-person care at the U.C. Davis clinic and had to go virtual in March.
''I know how powerful those office visits can be. But I don't want to go out. I don't want to be exposed to this virus; I like that I can do this from home. My therapist, I feel his personality online; that still comes through. He's listening very carefully. He's really present to me.''
For about two years, Michael raymos made the 80-mile drive from Modesto, Calif., to Sacramento and back for therapy, and for the therapist, who could listen to stories of childhood abuse and gently unwind their hold on the present.
Those regular office sessions, at a clinic at the University of California, Davis, created a strong bond, and Mr. Taymos came to rely on them to manage symptoms of post-traumatic stress and the emotional weight of neurodegenerative disorder that struck him in 2012, in the prime of adulthood.
But this routine ended abruptly in mid-March, when the clinic almost entirely virtual in response to the Covid-19 outbreak in Northern California. Since then, Mr. Raymos has engaged in twice-a-month sessions on his computer or phone.
''There is a drop of social contact, not being able to always see his expression,'' said Mr. Raymos, 49.
''There's more of an intimacy level when you're one on one and that office-door is closed. But there's a comfort level at home. I'll sit there in bed with my dog. Bug on my lap and that comfort allows me to talk about things I maybe wouldn't have in the office, because of how painful they are.''
He added : ''And I like not having to make that drive.''
The coronavirus pandemic has forced medical centers around the world to partially adopt telemedicine -where practitioners communicate with patients over phones, computers or other devices - with varying results. Some patients are not comfortable with the technology or can't afford it; others need services that cannot be provided entirely online, like prenatal care.
Psychiatry is a special case. Experts had predicted for years that the field's most intimate treatment -psychotherapy, or the talking cure, was posed to go largely virtual, for many or most patients, forever altering day-to-day practice. In this extraordinary year, they are likely to be proved right.
''Overnight, everyone began practising telepsychiatry, with physicians in New York, Texas, California, able to reach their patients, wherever they were,'' said Dr. John Torous, director of the digital psychiatry division at Beth Israel Deaconnes Medical centre, a Harvard University affiliate in Boston.
''You're going to get a boost in access in care, for sure,'' he said. ''And I suspect it's going to saturate the system pretty quickly.''.
In another study, for instance, a team led by research based at the Baltimore Veterans Affairs Medical Center tracked more than 100 veterans being treated for depression over six months, half of them engaging in traditional, in-person therapy, the other half receiving care online.
Both groups improved, by the same amount. And in another study, led by Leslie Morland of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Pacific islands Healthcare System, compared in-person and virtual talk therapy for 120 veterans with post-traumatic stress.
It reached similar finding : improvement across the board, no difference between the groups.
The Honor and Serving of the Latest Global Operational Research on Times, and Modern Times, continues. The World Students Society thanks author Benedict Carey.
With respectful dedication to the Grandparents, Parents, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world. See Ya all prepare and register for Great Global Elections on The World Students Society : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter - !E-WOW! - The Ecosystem 2011 :
''' Telehealth- Triumphs '''
Good Night and God Bless
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