
Headline, November 29 2020/ ''' '' DEEPER STUDENTS DEARER '' '''


 DEARER '' '''


TO FOUNDER FRAMERS : HOW DO WE ACKNOWLEDGE AND HIGHLIGHT SOME great work that President Donald J Trump attempted and to a high degree accomplished? Say Afghanistan's Peace Hope.

Should The World Students Society protest with him for not attempting to mediate the Kashmir open-air prison sufferings? 

UNTHOUGHT THOUGHTS : WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WEREN'T AFRAID? IN WHAT WAY is the world sliding and screeching backward? What global problems do we need to research thoroughly?

TO THE GLOBAL STUDENTS : How do we do away with the shame of Wars, conflicts, sufferings, injustices, lack of opportunities? How do we build a global social security network for students?

How can we help the Rohingyas? How can we shape the Kashmir solution? How do we solve the Palestinian - Israeli conflict? How do we go about holding Global Elections?

What help and resources do we need to bring to Africa and the Developing World?

WHO DO YOU FEEL most grateful to have in your life? What problems do you want The World Students Society to prioritize and address?

APPROACH STUDENTS WITH AWE : C. S. LEWIS ONCE WROTE - THAT IF YOU'D NEVER  MET A human and suddenly encountered one, you'd be inclined to worship this creature  

EVERY human being is a miracle, and your superior in some way. These people who have great conversations walk into the room expecting to be delighted by you make you feel the beam of their affection and respect.

Lady Randolph Churchill once said that when sitting next to statesman William Gladstone she thought him the cleverest person in England, but when she sat next to Benjamin Disraeli she thought she was the cleverest person in England.

After all we've been through this year, wouldn't it be nice, even during a distanced holiday season, to be able to talk about this whole experience with others, in a deep, satisfying way? To help, I've put together a list of nonobvious lessons on how to have better conversations, which I've learned from people wiser than myself.

Ask elevating questions : All of us have developed a way of being that is our technique for getting through each day. But some questions, startling as they seem at first, compel us to see ourselves from a higher vantage :

What crossroads are you at? What commitments have you made that you no longer believe in? Who do you feel most grateful in your life? What problem did you use to have but now have licked? In what way are you sliding backward? What would you do if you weren't afraid?

Ask open-ended questions :  Many of us have a horrible tendency to ask questions that imply judgment : Where did you go to school? Or we ask yes/no questions: Did you have a good day? Which basically shut off interesting answers. Better questions start with ''What was it like........'' or ''Tell me about a time......' or ''How did you manage to cope with while your wedding was postponed for a year?''

Conflict and crisis creates cooperative effort. As neuroscientist Lisa Fieldman Barrett writes, ''Being curious about your friend's experience is more important than being right.''

The midwife model : Sometimes people talk to solve a person's problem. The Rev. Margaret Guenther wrote that a good conversationalist in these cases is like a midwife, helping the other person give birth to her own child.

That means spending a lot of time patiently listening to the other person teach herself through her narration, bringing forth her unthought thoughts, sitting with an issue as it slowly changes under the pressure of joint attention.

''To influence actions,'' neuroscientist Tali Sharot writes,'' you need to give people a sense of control.''

Deeper conversations help people become explicable to each other and themselves. You can't really know yourself until you know how you express yourself and find yourself in another's eyes. Deeper conversation builds trust, the oxygen of society, exactly what we're missing right now.

''Humans need to be heard before they will listen,'' Amanda Ripley writes. It's been a rough year for all that, but this Thanksgiving, the possibility of deep talk is still out there, even over Zoom.

Welcome to The World Students Society - for every subject in the world and most respectfully and lovingly called !WOW!. We thank author David Brooks profoundly.

With respectful dedication to the Students, Professors and Teachers of the World. See Ya all prepare and register for Great Global Elections on The World Students Society : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter - !E-WOW! - The Ecosystem 2011 :

''' Connect - Contrast '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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