
Headline, December 15 2020/ LESSONS : ''' THE ''ANGELS-PARENTS'' TAP '''




! THE CAMPFIRE LOG ! : EMBRACING A RETURN TO DECENCY - !WOW! : THE LITTLE ANGELIC FOUNDER FRAMERS of The World Students Society watch their seniors face up to their honours and responsibilities as trailblazers.

LEAF TOWN : Whatever else it taught the senior students, their guardians and the world, the exercise in peace and sheer beauty left everyone with the lesson that human societies are practical and resilient even - or especially in times of global crisis, when the impulse to look out only for oneself is demonstrably disastrous.

BEFORE the spate of robberies, the kids had left their stashes of trinkets and leaf currency out at the park overnight, secreted under trees or bushes. Now it seemed that one child, then two, then many had to become police officers : an entire force.

A jail was also needed. The children began hoarding their currency, stuffing it into lunchboxes, hats, gloves and socks. They had become obsessive. The teachers took note and put an end to the game.

The kids then switched to playing Leaf Town only after class had ended each day. This was when the outsiders came, older kids from different schools. One group of boys moved menacingly among previously peaceful streets of Leaf Town, carrying large sticks.

They declared they would destroy what the children had built. ''These kids can't stay here forever,'' they taunted. This made the children all want to stay forever.

The kids had invented Leaf Town during a body-threatening pandemic : they'd kept it safe from the external world, but were their efforts doomed to fall victim to their fellow humans?

Watching from the perimeter with other parents and guardians, we felt tempted to intervene, but the children had to figure things out themselves. We held our tongues tongues, but stayed close enough to jump in if things got tot sticky [Ha!].

The kids set up a watch, keeping an eye on the boy's hellbent on destroying their town. But one by one the children had to go home, for dinner or to Zoom music lessons, and Leaf Town was left defenseless.

Inevitably, when we checked the park on the way to school one morning, we found that the boys had carried out their threats. A group of girls, including Rose and her close friends, built Leaf Town back, smaller than before.

Fewer kids wanted to play; the interest in commerce that spawned the Everything Store had now shifted to the rising recess vogue of trading stickers. But the main part of the town was restored, rising once again from the material that nature provided.

Rose tried to understand the boys destructive impulse; the part of humanity that feels compelled and entitled to do harm and break things because they themselves feel hurt, confused, or undervalued. This is the part of America - of the world - that we struggle to explain.

We tell Rose that those among us who reject peace and beauty are small in number, and if greeted with kindness and given the opportunity, these people might change. We tell her that it is vital to keep working toward peace and common good, to keep acting honorably, even when faced with the prospect of senseless devastation.

We found the lessons of Leaf Town dispiriting at first. The town's collapse had come not one from swift blow, but through the slow degradation that followed the warning of mutual trust. But in the weeks that followed the sack of Leaf Town, the children rediscovered and re-envisioned their community. The settlers came back home.

As we try to envision the world we want to rebuild, we shouldn't overlook the significance of some carefully arranged piles of leaves.

With respectful dedication to the Leaders, Grandparents, Parents, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world. See Ya all prepare and register for Great Global Elections on The World Students Society : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter !E-WOW! - The Ecosystem 2011 :

''' Opinion - Optimum '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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