JLO shuts down botox rumours : Singer denies having fillers in her face.
The past weekend, Jennifer Lopez posted an Instagram video trying out new face masks from her brand JLO Beauty and one comment caught the songstress's attention.
''You definitely have Botox,. And tons of it,'' an Instagram user had written in the comments section. ''And it's all good. Just saying it.''
But JLO didn't let that comment go and without saying anything else, replied, ''LOL, that's just my face!'' She added, ''For the 500 millionth time, I have never done BOTOX or any injectables or surgery! Just saying. Get you some JLO Beauty and feel beautiful in your own skin!''
The singer went on to share ''another JLO Beauty secret'' too. ''Try spending your time being more positive, kind and uplifting of others. Don't spend your time trying to bring others down as that will keep you youthful and beautiful too! Sending you love.''
Lopez concluded with her brand's tagline that beauty from the inside out has no expiration date.
In the initial video, she had joked that her beauty company should most certainly charge ''$10,000 a piece'' for her $18 'limitless glow active serum mask,' and innovative two-piece intensive treatment that hugs around your ears to avert sliding and is soaked in one full ounce of her fermented - yeast spiked 'multitasking serum'.
Lopez claims it made her face feel and appear fresh after she removed it. ''Honestly, I cannot even see a line on my face,'' she said after she unpeeled the mask. ''I feel like it took 10 years off my face.''
Previously, the megastar debunked rumours with Glamour saying, ''I'm more about natural approach to skin care,'' she explained. ''I think it starts first, honestly, with who you are on the inside and that shows on your face on the outbreak. That's number one.''
Lopez added she wants the products to actually work. ''I want the hyaluronic acid in there. I want the things that are going to help,'' she said. ''Because I don't want to have to go to the needles at some point. I'm not saying one day I won't, but I haven't yet. I like that I have a more natural look.''
The If You Had My Love Maker announced the launch of her beauty line on December 2, to in a makeup free video, earning praises for her well-maintained skin. ''It's about being limitless, being powerful and understanding beauty does not have expiration.''
The beauty line focuses on the ''glow'' that Lopez is constantly asked about.
The World Students Society thanks authors News Desk The Express Tribune.
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