Indian Matchmaking is set to return to the screen for its second season with matchmaker Sima Taparia. The show premiered on Netflix in July 2020 with a modern and more flexible approach towards arranged marriages.
Spanning across India and the United States, the show follows single individuals who have sought Sima's help in finding a soul mate for themselves.
While some critiqued the show, claiming it adheres to archaic practice that circulates within South Asian societies, others felt it accurately depicts the tug of war between the traditional and the modern, allowing for a deeper understanding of the practice.
Another topic of debate ensuing from the pilot season was concerned with the gendered societal expectations, and how they place differing pressures on men and women to comply with archaic systems of being that may not have served well in the past.
As gender roles and identities become more fluid, one can wonder if this fluidity can be given space within traditional practices.
Sima argues that the practice of arranged marriages has altered significantly. In an interview with The Indian Express she explained, '' The idea of arranged marriages has also evolved. Gone are the days when parents would find matches and marry their children to suitable partners.
These days, children also play an active part in the process and matchmaking. And sometimes, they feel they need some extra guidance and help''.
It should be noted that out of all the couples matched in the first season, none lasted in their relationships. Perhaps this would be addressed in the second season as audiences wait in anticipation.
The World Students Society thanks The Express Tribune.
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