
Headline, March 07 2022/ ''' '' STUDENTS' -TECH- STARDOMS '' '''



 STARDOMS '' '''

!WOW! : FILM RIGHTS - BOOK RIGHTS - REVENUES - SCHOLARSHIPS - Endowments, advertising revenues, all finances, all !WOW! revenues, - all innovations, all inventions are the absolute ownership of world students.

Overseen by the world, administered by the elected nominees of the students, with Global Founder Framers holding a VETO. Ever watched by the esteemed, Parents, Teachers and Professors, !WOW! is ever rooted in World History.

ON THE WORLD STUDENTS SOCIETY : The Global Founder Framers all, have turned into ROCK STARS. Hundreds and thousands of people go about trying to track them everywhere and everyday.

FRY AND STOP HIM AND THEM days - are all gone. !WOW! is rooted in the conscience, greatness and selfless service of humanity. Welcome all, to The World Students Society.

'' And for the entire world, All that I am willing to concede is that the Global Founder Framers - are as beautiful, as they are brainy and original and very digital.''

LAST YEAR ENDED WITH IMAGES FLOODING Instagram, Twitter and group chats - pictures of us, but not exactly.

They were products of an app called LensaAI, which can apply machine-learning tools to scan your selfies and generate portraits of you in a variety of artistic styles.

This sort of thing seems to be a semi-annual trend : Every few months, an app emerges to collect photos of your face and manipulate your image, reflecting and refracting it back to you anew.

There have been tools allowing you to apply ''art filters'' imitating famous paintings and to morph into animals. You could age yourself three decades; you could see yourself imagined in another ethnicity; you could swap your gender; you could become thinner.

Lensa's process is fairly simple.You upload 10 to 20 selfies and pay a few dollars for a pack of ''magic avatars,'' selecting a set of artistic styles from a confusing range of options. { They include ''Fairy Princess,'' ''Fantasy,'' ''Stylish,'' ''Light,'' ''Iridescent,'' ''Anime,'' ''Pop,'' ''Cosmic,'' ''Focus'' and ''Kawaii.'' }

Then you wait a few minutes for the app to spit its results at you in a form that resembles trading cards : pictures that feel as though a selection of illustrators and commercial artists have spent their time crafting drawings and paintings of you for movie posters or album covers or animated films about your life.

[ The technology involved was, after all, originally trained using huge volumes of images pulled from the internet, including real artists' work.]

I spent $5.99 for a pack of 100 magic avatars, working from selfies I had taken over the last few months. [ What was the original point of these selfies, anyway? In one, I'm showing off very red lipstick for friends; in another, I'm holding up a coffee cup and demonstrating that I'm tired.]

When the avatars appeared, I was startled : There I was and wasn't. There was something unsettling about them. Some resembled me almost exactly, albeit me in, say, a golden headdress; others transformed my eyes into someone else's. The aesthetics, no matter the style, seemed anime-inflected, with a dose of photorealism.

The portraits were , to my mind, ugly and strange, but there was no denying a certain amount of freakish accuracy. I couldn't stop looking. I had probably never experienced the uncanny so directly, or at least in such direct relation to myself. I stared at a ''Fairy Princess'' version of me, crowned with flowers, eyes averted and lips pursed. Was that really me? Of course not. But also, maybe a little bit, yes.

One thing about inhabiting a face is that we can never quite see it the way others do. Mirrors give us a reversed image. Photographs freeze us in time at odd angles and, sometimes, in pitiless detail. Staring into a phone camera, preening to check our makeup or undereye circles, gives us a hyperreal mirror, but this, too, is distorted and reversed.

Even video doesn't quite capture us for ourselves, for the simple reason that we cannot watch ourselves objectively. We are looking too closely; maybe we are critical, or maybe we are grateful that we turned out to look a certain way. We cannot simply take stock of how we might look to someone else.

This is part of the appeal of portraiture. It is not the objective reality of who we are but a version of how someone else sees us, translated into the page or the canvas.

It always astounds and moves me to think, while in the art museums, that before photography, the only simple way to see a static image of yourself was through the brush or the pen or the chisel, necessarily filtered through another person's creative intelligence.

Cameras have gradually it unexceptional to see images of ourselves, but there is still something magical about having another person pay this kind of sustained creative attention to you.This is part of why people pay for boardwalk and commission portraits of themselves in oils.

THERE IS real delight in seeing how someone else sees us, experiencing a strange, maybe tenuous connection with their artistic vision. Or, perhaps with their attention : A portrait, after all, is the fruit of intense aesthetic focus, and what could be more flattering that having that focus fixed on yourself.

 So, - best, time enough for the world to shoot some great selfies with the Global Founder Framers of !WOW!.

The Honour and Serving of the Latest Global Operational Research on A.I. and Applications that admire and showers us with attention, continues. The World Students Society thanks author Sophie Haigney.

With most loving and respectful dedication to the Global Founders Framers of The Ecosystem 2011, and then Leaders, Parents, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world.

See Ya all think, consider and build Ecosystem 2011 for Global Elections on !WOW! : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter - !E-WOW! - The Ecosystem 2011 :

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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