
Headline, June 21 2022/ ''' '' BIG -ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE- BIT '' '''

''' '' BIG 


 BIT '' '''

SAMDAILYTIMES.ORG - ''THE WORLD STUDENTS SOCIETY'' is the exclusive and eternal ownership of every student in the world. All finances, all incomes, all assets is the exclusive ownership of the world's students.

BIG TECH IS BAD. BIG ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE will be worse. Allowing two powerful companies to control much of artificial intelligence development could harm humanity, even irreversibly.

MANKIND'S FUTURE SHOULD NOT BE LEFT in the hands of two powerful companies that build ever larger global empires based on using our collective data without scruple and without compensation.

TECH GIANTS Microsoft and Alphabet / Google have seized a large load in shaping our potentially A.I.-dominated future. This is not good news. History has shown that when the distribution of information is left in the hands of a few, the result is political and economic oppression. Without intervention, this history will repeat itself.

In just a few months, Microsoft broke speed records in establishing ChatGPT, a form of generative artificial intelligence that it plans to invest $10 billion into, as a household name. And last month, Sundar Pichai, C.E.O, of Alphabet Google, unveiled a suite of A.I. tools - including for email, spreadsheets and drafting all manner of text.

While there is some discussion as to whether Meta's recent decision to give away its A.I. computer code will accelerate its progress, the reality is that all competitors to Alphabet and Microsoft remain far behind.

The fact that these companies are attempting to outpace each other, in the absence of externally imposed safeguards, should give the rest of us even more cause for concern, given the potential for A.I. to do great harm to jobs, privacy and cybersecurity. Arms races without restrictions generally do not end well.

History has repeatedly demonstrated that control over information is central to who has power and what they can do with it. At the beginning of writing in ancient Mesopotamia, most scribes were the sons of elite families, primarily because education was expensive.

In medieval Europe, the clergy and nobility were much more likely to be literate than ordinary people, and they used this advantage to reinforce their social standing and legitimacy.

Literacy rates rose alongside industrialization, although those who decided what the newspaper printed and what people were allowed to say on the radio, and then on television, were hugely powerful. But with the rise of scientific knowledge and the spread of telecommunications came a time of multiple sources of information and many rival ways to process facts and reason out implications.

Access to facts about the outside world weakened and ultimately helped to destroy Soviet control over Poland, Hungary, East Germany and the rest of its former sphere of influence.

Starting in the 1990s, the internet offered even lower-cost ways to express opinions. But over time the channels of communication concentrated into a few hands including Facebook, whose algorithm exacerbated political polarization and in some well-documented cases also fanned the flames of ethnic hatred.

In authoritarian regimes, the same technologies have turned into tools of totalitarian control.

With the emergence of A.I. we are about to regress even further. Some of this has to do with the nature of the technology. Instead of assessing multiple sources, people are increasingly relying on the nascent technology to provide a singular, supposedly definitive answer.

There is no easy way to access the footnotes or links that let users explore the underlying sources.

This technology is in the hands of two companies that are philosophically rooted in the notion of  ''machine intelligence,'' which emphasizes the ability of computers to outperform humans in specific activities.

Deep Mind, a company now owned by Google, is proud of developing algorithms that can beat human experts at games such as chess and Go.

The philosophy was naturally amplified by a recent [bad] economics idea that the singular objective of a corporation should be to maximize short-term shareholder wealth.

Combined together, these ideas are cementing the notion that the most productive applications of A.I.  replace humankind. Doing away with grocery store clerks in favor of self-checkout Kiosks does very little for the productivity of those who remain employed, for example, while also annoying many customers.

But it makes it possible to fire workers and tilt the balance of power further in favor of management.

The Honour and Serving of the Latest Global Operational Research on Big Tech, Big A.I. and the Future, continues. The World Students Society thanks authors Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson.

With most respectful dedication to the Global Founders of !WOW!, and Students, Professors and Teachers of the world. SeeYa all prepare for Great Global Elections on - The World Students Society :  wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter - !E-WOW! - The Ecosystem 2011 :

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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