
Headline, July 29 2022/ ''' '' COMPUTERS !WOW! COMPOSURE '' '''




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BY 2034, The World Students Society aims to change the power among the tech companies, social media companies, and even among the nations. So, let's get working with sacrifices and focus.

DEMAND FOR COMPUTING POWER AND A.I. CHIPS has skyrocketed this year, fueled by a worldwide A.I. boom.

Tech giants such as Microsoft, Meta and Google, as well as myriad startups, have rushed to roll out A.I. products after the A.I. powered ChatGPT chatbot went viral for the eerily humanlike prose it could generate.

But making A.I. products typically requires significant amounts of computing power and specialized chips, leading to a ferocious hunt for more of those technologies. In May, Nvidia, the leading maker of chips used to power A.I. systems, said appetite for its products-known as......

Graphics processing units, or GPUs. -was so strong that its quarterly sales would be more than 50 percent above Wall Street estimates. The forecast sent Nvidia's market value soaring above $1 trillion.

'' For the first time, we're seeing a large jump in the computer requirements'' because A.I. technologies, said Ronen Dar, a founder of Run : AI, a start up in Tel Aviv that helps companies develop A.I. models.

That has '' created a huge demand '' for specialized chips, he added and companies have '' rushed to secure access '' to them.

The two-meter-tall supercomputer, which was unveiled last Thursday by Cerebas, a Silicon Valley start-up, was built with the company's specialized chips, which are designed to power artificial intelligence products.

The chips stand-out for their size - like that of a dinner plate, or 56 times as large as a chip commonly used for A.I. Each Cerebras chip packs the computing power of hundreds of traditional chips.

Cerebras said it had built the supercomputer for G42, an A.I. company. G42 said it planned to use the supercomputer to create and power A.I. products for the Middle East.

'' What we're showing here is that there is an opportunity to build a very large, dedicated A.I. supercomputer,'' said Andrew Feldman, the chief executive of Cerebras. He added that his startup wanted '' to show the world that this work can be done faster, it can be done with less energy, it can be done for lower cost.''

To get their hands on enough A.I. chips, some of the biggest tech companies - including Google, Amazon, Advanced Micro Devices and Intel - have developed their own alternatives. Startups such as Cerebras, Graphcore, Groq and SambaNova have also joined the race, aiming to break into the market that Nvidia has dominated.

CHIPS are set to play such a key role in A.I. that they could change the balance of power among tech companies and even nations.

The Biden administration, for one, has recently weighed restrictions on the sale of A.I. chips to China, with some American officials saying China's A.I. abilities could threaten U.S. national security by enhancing Beijing's military and security apparatus.

A.I. supercomputers have been built before, some of them by Nvidia. But it's rare for start-ups to create them.

Cerebras, which is based in Sunny-vale, Calif, was founded in 2016 by Mr. Feldman and four other engineers, with the goal of building hardware that speeds up A.I. development.

Over the years, the company has raised $740 million, with investors including Sam Altman, who leads the A.I. OpenAI, and venture capital firms such as Benchmark. Cerebras is valued at $4.1 billion.

Because the chips that are typically used to power A.I. are small, it takes hundreds even thousands of them to process a complicated A.I. model. In 2019, Cerebras revealed what it claimed was the largest computer chip ever built, and Mr.Feldman has said its chips can train A.I. systems between 100 and 1,000 times as fast as existing hardware.

Over the next year, Cerebras said, it plans to build two more supercomputers for G42 - one in Texas and in North Carolina - and, after that, six more distributed across the world. It is calling this network Condor Galaxy.

Start-ups are nonetheless likely to find it difficult to compete against Nvidia, said Chris Manning, a computer scientist at Stanford whose research focuses on A.I.

That's because people who build A.I. models are accustomed to using software that works on Nvidia's A.I. chips, he said.

But Feldman said he was hopeful. Many A.I. businesses do not want to be locked in only with Nvidia, he said.

The Honour and Serving of the Latest Global Operational Research on A.I., Supercomputers, and the Future, continues. The World Students Society thanks author Yiwen Lu.

With respectful dedication to the Global Founder Framers of !WOW! - and then Students, Professors and Teachers of the world.

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