''' DIG WE DIE '''
! VERY RARE ! : IN THE NEXT 75 YEARS OR SO - YOU ALL and your loved ones would be very, very dead and gone to urns and dust. '' And the world will heed not of your coming and goings : like into an ocean a pebble cast. ''
AND THE HIGH AND THE MIGHTY - the crooks, and the criminals, the corrupt and the honest, the carers and the sufferers, the blood suckers, the hungry and the rich, the humans and sub-humans - who reigned supreme, will die in plain sight : ' Who thought they lighted the world ' : as snow on the desert's dusty face, lighting an hour or two and forever is gone.' Omar Khayyam at his mightiest.
Be that as it may. Never forget : Only cowards fear the inevitable, the death.
WHERE IS STEVE JOBS?.... THE WORLD IS LOSING. The Founder Framers must do their homework, '' How the world fares and recovers and moves on will totally depend on the accountability, focus, sacrifices and leadership provided by the '' Students of America! Students of !WOW!. ''
TIME TO GET REAL ABOUT DEATH. Time to get real about Artificial Intelligence.''
! THE TOLL TAKEN BY OUR YEARS ! : Scientists are investigating biological causes of aging and finding ways to combat them :
ACCORDING to some estimates, American consumers spend $62 billion a year on ''anti-aging'' treatments. But while creams, hair dyes and Botox can give the impression of youth none of them can roll back the hands of time.
Scientists are working to understand the biological causes of aging in the hope of one day being able to offer tools to slow or stop its visible signs and, more important, age-related diseases. These underlying mechanisms are often called '' the hallmarks of aging.''
Many fall into two broad categories : general wear and tear on cellular level and the body's decreasing ability to remove old or dysfunctional cells and proteins.
'' The crucial thing about the hallmarks is that they are things that go wrong during aging, and if you reverse them,'' you stand to live longer or be healthier while you age, said Dame Linda Partridge, a professional research fellow in the division of biosciences at University College London who helped develop the aging hallmarks framework.
So far, the research has primarily been conducted in animals, but experts are gradually expanding into humans. In the meantime, understanding how aging works can help us put advice and information about the latest ''breakthrough'' into context, said Venki Ramakrishnan, a biochemist and Nobel Laureate who wrote about many of the hallmarks of aging in his new book :
'' Why We Die : The New Science of Aging and the Quest for immortality.''
We asked experts about the hallmarks of aging, how they can lead to aging and how scientists are attempting to modify them. Not all the hallmarks are listed here, but two of the main themes are highlighted below :
WEAR AND TEAR : many age related changes start with our cells, and even our genes, acquiring damage and acting up as we get older.
PROBLEMS WITH DNA : While we think of our genes at being set from birth, DNA accumulate changes over the years.
Sometimes errors are introduced when a cell divides, a spontaneous type emerging when the DNA is copied and pasted from one cell into another. Mutations can also occur as a result of environmental exposures.
Our cells have ways to repair these genetic mutations, but they have become less efficient with age, so the mistakes can pile up. Scientists aren't exactly sure why our repair mechanisms decline.
'' That's a $1 billion question,'' said Andrew Dillin, a professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California, Berkeley. '' All we know that efficiency goes down with age.''
The main consequence of this is that cells stop working properly and get flagged as garbage. In the worst case scenario mutations can occur in genes that suppress tumours, leading to the onsets of cancer.
PROBLEMS WITH CHROMOSOMES : Every time a cell replicates and its DNA is copied, the end of its chromosomes get a little shorter.
These special parts of the genome are called telomeres and are often likened to the plastic caps on the ends of shoelaces that prevent them from unraveling.
Once a cell's telomeres get too short, it stops dividing. This process is healthy when we're young, because it helps prevent cells from replicating forever and turning cancerous.
But as we age telomere shortening becomes a problem, particularly in stem cells, which the body uses to replenish skin, blood and other tissues.
The Sadness, the Honour and Serving of the Latest Global Operational Research on WELL, TOLL, and YEARS and !WOW! continues. The World Students Society thanks author Dana G Smith.
With most respectful and loving dedication to Mankind, Leaders, the Global Founder Framers of !WOW! - and then Students, Professors and Teachers of the world.
See You all prepare for Great Global Elections on !WOW! - the exclusive and eternal ownership of every student in the world : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter X !E-WOW! - The Ecosystem 2011 :
Good Night and God Bless
SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless
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