
Headline, June 23 2024/ ''' DISEASE DETECTIVES DIAGRAM '''



ESTEEMED ENGINEER YAQUB BHATTI - EME COLLEGE, Business studies from Waterloo University, Canada, ex-IBM, Gulf and Pakistan, and now heading Technology & Integrations for Manufacturing and Services in Faisalabad is :

Hereby conferred upon and honoured with  '' Life Long Membership '' of the World Students Society - the exclusive and eternal ownership of every student in the world.

With !WOW! already very advanced in generating colossal global data, Engineer Yaqub Bhatti has a Master's work and thinking cut for him and right before him.

A GROWING THREAT : If we don't conceptualize implications, law, legalities, and commercialization right from now, we are bound to run into Global Diseases that are very intractable, A.I and Cloud Computing rules the roost.

!WOW! WELCOMES Engineer Yaqub Bhatti and sincerely hopes and wishes that he will top his life's great accomplishments with even a higher purpose on !E-WOW!.

H5NI is one of many viruses that cause influenza in birds. It emerged in Hong Kong in 1996 and his since evolved into versions that have caused outbreaks in wild and farmed birds and have occasionally jumped to humans.

In 2020, a new, especially deadly one caught the attention of scientists as it spread along migratory routes to parts of Africa, Asia and Europe.

By 2022, it had reached North and South America and was killing wild and domestic animals, including licestick and marine mammals.

So scientists were alarmed when, in February 2023, Cambodia reported two people, who had been infected with H5NI. Was this the new version of the virus, returned to Asia and killing people?

There had been no human cases in the country for nearly a decade, though scientists had found that the virus had been present in birds all these years.

KRATIE - CAMBODIA : As Dr. Sreyleak Luch drove to work the morning of Feb 8, through busy sunbaked streets in Cambodia's Mekong River Delta, she played the overnight voice message from her team.

The condition of a 9 -year-old student she had been caring for deteriorated sharply, and he had been intubated, one doctor reported. What, she wondered, could make the child so sick, so fast?

'' And then I just thought; H5NI,'' she recalled. '' It could be bird flu.'' When she arrived at the airy yellow children's ward at the provincial hospital in Kratie, she immediately asked the child's father if the family had contact with any sick or dead poultry.

He admitted that their rooster had been found dead a few days before and that the family had eaten it.

Dr. Luch told her colleagues her theory.  Their responses ranged from dubious to incredulous : 

A human case of AVIAN INFLUENZA had never been reported in their part of eastern Cambodia. They warned her that if she set off the bird flu warning system, the senior government officials might get involved. She risked looking foolish, or worse.

Anxious but increasingly certain, Dr. Luch phoned the local public health department, just across the street. Within minutes, a team arrived to collect a sample from the student, Virun Roeurn, for testing in a lab.

By then, Virun's distraught parents had lost faith in the hospital. They demanded that he be sent by ambulance to the capital, Phnom Penh. His flu swab samples traveled with him.

STUDENT VIRUN DIED ON THE JOURNEY. At  8 p.m. Cambodia's National Public Health Laboratory confirmed Dr. Luch's suspicion :  He had died of highly pathogenic avian influenza.

Dr. Luch berated herself for not having thought to test the boy a day earlier, when she might have saved him if she had treated him for influenza.

But the alarm she raised and the urgent activity that followed was testament to the strength of Cambodia's disease tracking system and its importance to the global biosurveillance system.

It is the fruit of years of international and local investment, training and public education. 

It shows how frontline work in low-income countries is increasingly vital to a global system to detect zoonotic diseases -pathogens that jump between animals and humans, the way Covid-19 did.

The goal is to identify and contain them, buying time to produce enough vaccines or drugs to treat them, or to embark on a frantic mission to develop something new.

The Honour and Serving of the Latest Global Operational Research on Diseases, Viruses and Detection Systems continues. The World Students Society thanks Stephanie Nolan.

With most respectful dedication to the Scientists, Leaders, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world.  

See Ya all prepare for Great Global Elections on The World Students Society - for every subject in the world : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter X !E-WOW! - The Ecosystem 2011 :

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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