
Headline, August 26 2024/ ''' WARY -STUDENTS- WAND '''


 WAND '''


! TRANSFER WINDOW ! : EVERY GLOBAL LEADER IS WATCHING WITH UTMOST JOY and honours The World Students Society's plans and operations on the rollout of its AI. !WOW! will transform the global economic order.

With Almighty God's blessings - by the year 2040 plus, !WOW! plans to get every Human to use Artificial Intelligence. '' Welcome to Grandparents, Parents, Students, Professors and Teachers! '' '' Welcome to entire humanity.''

! THE ADOPTION DECISION ! : THE WORLD STUDENTS SOCIETY led by the students of America, is the whole world's wand for artificial intelligence. How goes The World Students Society - goes the entire world. '' Buy it or not.''

Esteemed Engineers and !WOW! Founders : Rabo [UK], Haleema [Pak], Salar [US], Sannan [ Germany ], Hussain [ Pak ] and Dee [Pak] ; Sahar [ Canada ].

Shahrayar [ Pak], Ehsan [US], Hamza [UK], Emaan [US], Toby [ China], Zaeem [Pak]. Ali [UAE], Ghazi [Pak].

Vishnu [India], Alyaan [ Australia ], Lakshmi [India], Juniper [Japan], Danyial [UK], Haaniya [Europe] and the students of the entire world, are in either of the two camps : the wary and the reluctant.

And having said that, Please, do allow me the liberty to give the entire students of the world, just three basic hints :

 a ] : The World Students Society is the most complex undertaking mankind has ever attempted. b ] : You will not get far if you don't get the WORLD VISION right. c ] : And from that vision you will have to derive your AI mission.

AROUND 5% of vacancies posted by American big banks between 2020 and June 2023 cited AI in the job description, and around 8% of patents registered by big tech firms in 2020-22 were AI-related.

YET not all businesses will be enthusiastic adopters. Outside the tech world, only a third of global managers tell McKinsey they are regularly using generative AI for work; but half have tried the technology but have decided not to use it, and about fifth have had no experience at all.

AI adopters, in short,......... are outnumbered two-to-one by the wary and the reluctant.

START WITH THE WARY. SOME BUSINESSES are taking a cautious approach, since much about the technology still needs ironing out. Chatbots are prone to ''hallucinations'', or making up things that sound dangerously plausible.

And writers, artists, photographers and publishers are challenging AI models' use of their data in court. Some businesses are wary of being exposed to legal risks by making use of the models, or the reputational risk of taking hallucinations seriously.

JPMorgan Chase, a bank, has banned the use of ChatGPT, though it is experimenting with AI in other areas.

Other businesses are reluctant to dip their toe in the water at all. Differences in behaviour between firms at the productivity frontier and those that are less productive are not unusual. Lags in technology adoption can be long.

Even though the internet began to be used by companies in the early 1990s, for instance, it was not until the late 2000s that even two-thirds of businesses in America had a website.

Many firms have outdated systems - think of the Japanese bank that still uses COBOL. -which can make adopting cutting-edge technology a tall order. Managers in the public sector, or in the heavily regulated industries such as utilities may feel little impulse to innovate.

Those sectors make up sizeable chunk of economies : in America they collectively account for a quarter of the GDP.

Reluctance can also stem from workers. Although the technology promises to do away with drudgery some people worry that it may ultimately replace them. A survey by BCG, a consultancy, finds that front line workers are more likely to be concerned, and less likely to be optimistic, about generative AI than managers or leaders are.

In some cases, unions may act to slow the adoption of the technology ; some may go as far as the writers guild in Hollywood, which was on strike for much of 2023, in part because of concerns about AI's impact on jobs.

How then should the AI-curious boss think about the technology ? It helps to make a clear-headed assessment of the gains to be had, and the costs of using still new and risky technology, before deciding whether to be an enthusiastic adopter, or a wary or reluctant one.

Most important of all, your workers need to be on board. So pay attention to their fears - and convince them of the joys of experimentation.

The Honour and Serving of the Latest Global Operational Research on AI, and the world to come continues. The World Students Society thanks Rachana Shanbhogue, The Economist.

With most loving and respectful dedication to the Global Founder Framers of The World Students Society - the eternal and exclusive ownership of every student in the world.

See You all prepare for Great Global Elections on wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter !E-WOW! - The Ecosystem 2011 :

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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