


Child marriage is a dire issue affecting children under the age of 18. It robs them of their innocence and subjects them to responsibilities and challenges they are not equipped to handle.

This issue is particularly prevalent in conservative societies and regions under feudal control. In such societies, girls are often considered voiceless humans, treated as valuable property that can be used and exploited at will.

The consequences of child marriage extend beyond individual girls, impacting health, fertility, education, labour force participation, and gender-based violence.

While the focus is often on health and human rights implications, the economic ramifications are equally considerable, impeding a nation's growth and development.

Child marriage deprives girls of their right to a safe and healthy childhood, proper education, economic opportunities, social and political empowerment.

Embedded traditions, customs, ignorance, and inadequate security contribute to its continuance.

The World Students Society thanks Saira Samo, an educationist in Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan.


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