


TEARS : an unvoiced expression of heart..... Most times, tears are associated with either pain or weakness, but what people fail to see is that tears have a purpose, and stand for more than just pain or crying alone.

It is true that there are those tearful times, but these fluids are also a way of showing relief, joy, and even peace. Such emotive outpouring is otherwise referred to as the language of the heart.

While sadness may be emotional and birth tears, happiness does the same too. The joy a parent feels at the birth of their child ; the joy at seeing a friend after a long time ; the joy that comes with achieving a life-long goal are circumstances that excite and provoke tears.

Nevertheless, the instances of crying here totally displace the sense of sadness, but mark the goodness of quenched life.

Tears are healing too. They're healing, in such a manner, that they can change our emotions, soothe our pangs of grief or even our anger. A lot of people, after crying, feel that there is some pressure that has been lifted off their shoulders or will experience a shift in their thinking.

This is because somehow their dignity has been regained through the tears.

Furthermore, crying is often socially bonding. A glimpse of a crying loved-one arouses compassion within us. People tend to relate to the situation and respond in a more understanding, supportive and loving manner during happy or sad moments.

Though they can't be only said to be for the suffering of life, tears are for life.

The World Students Society thanks Rumisa Malik, Karachi, Pakistan.


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