

A new study bolsters the case that moral values underlie voters choice '' :

IN CONTINUATION of the voter psychology preceding precis : A recent paper by Benjamin Enke and Steven Sun of Harvard, Raymond Fisman of Boston University and Luis Mota Freitas of Oxford, managed to assess variation in such value :

'' Particularism '' versus '' Universalism '' - from real-world data. They found that it predicts American voters' choices more accurately than many oft-cited demographic variables do.

The particularism-universalism axis tracks how much people favour those close to them, such as family or neighbours, over those with whom their ties are weaker.

This distinction maps neatly onto the philosophical difference between America's major political parties. Using speeches made by members of Congress, the authors found that Republican lawmakers typically used far more particularist language than Democrats ones did.

The '' Notes Precis '' on Voters Psychology continues. The World Students Society thanks The Economist.


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