

'' YOU can't read a page without laughing ,'' says the author of '' The Outsiders '' of her fellow writer Dave Barry.

.-  How do you organize your books?

I have a beautiful library, organized by subjects : History [ early to late ], Author Biographies, Exploring, Women's Studies, Journalism, Entertainment, English Fiction, American Fiction and Children's Books.

The Paranormal books organized by Ghosts and Hauntings, Reincarnation, Coincidences, Strange but True.

.-  Why so many books on the paranormal?

I have had many strange things happen in my life.

.-  Describe your ideal reading experience [ when, where, what, how ].

Any time, on the sofa, with good lighting, my cat and a small glass of wine.

.-  What's the last great book you read?

'' Demon Copperhead.'' I don't know a whole lot of Dickens but I know ''David Copperfield '' inside and out. I love the way Barbara Kingsolver followed some of the plot. Also, Demon is a great narrator -talking the way you can imagine him talking, thinking the way you can imagine him thinking.

.-  What books are you embarrassed not to have read yet?

I wish I knew more Shakespeare.

.-  Have you ever gotten in trouble for reading a book?

I've gotten into trouble for writing a book [ '' The Outsiders '' ] when I was supposed to be doing classwork.

.-  How have your reading tastes changed over time?

I don't read a lot of fiction nowadays. I prefer history, memoirs and biographies. And I no longer read horse stories, which was all I read as a kid.

.-  When did you last read '' The Outsiders? '' What was it like looking at it once more?

I haven't read it in years.

.-  What do you think has been the key to the success of  the '' Outsiders '' musical? 

Great cast, great direction, great songs.

The Publishing continues to Part 2. The World Students Society thanks The New York Times.


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