SORES* '''
ON THE WORLD STUDENTS SOCIETY : '' Girls Gone Great '' lead just about every aspect and function. As an absolute policy on !WOW! - they will always remain highly respected, encouraged and even emulated.
FREEDOM FROM SOCIAL MEDIA HARASSMENT - but not for girls. Thoughts on '' Girls Gone Wild, '' Meta's moderation changes and horrible and disgusting permanence of online cruelty.
AROUND the time I watched the documentary recently, Meta - the social media company that owns Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp - announced that it was ending the fact-checking program and changing its content moderation guidelines.
Though a lot of the commentary on the company's new guidelines has focused on the dismantling of fact-checking as a way to cozy-up to the new administration, I'm much more concerned by its more hands-off approach to content moderation.
That's because I worry that it will lead to even more sexual harassment of young girls and make possible even freer market for their exploitation and coercion.
In a video explaining the changes, Meta's chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, talked about the importance of '' freer expression. '' The reality is that this is a trade-off. It means we're going to catch-less bad stuff, but we'll also reduce the number of innocent people's post and accounts that we accidently take down,'' he said.
META denies any changes have taken place in the substance of its policies against child nudity, abuse and exploitation and nonconsensual imagery and says it will continue to have tens of thousands staff members devoted to safety and security.
The company also touts its parental supervision tools, which can be useful - if teens have parents who are engaged enough to know about them and care. I'm far more worried about them and care. I'm far more worried about the most vulnerable teens, who don't have the luxury of savvy adults guiding them.
There is already a lot of '' bad stuff '' directed toward young girls than the company's previous systems missed. My newsroom colleagues Jennifer Valentino-DeVries and Michael H. Keller have written about the men who use Instagram to groom child influencers.
They have found that even when parents reported violations to Meta, including evidence such as photos of private parts and pictures of their children reposted with explicit captions, the company often failed to act.
'' Former Meta trust and safety employees described an organization overwhelmed despite knowing about the problem for years,'' Valentino-DeVries and Keller wrote in February.
I asked Arturo Bejar, a former engineering director who did two stints at what was then called Facebook - he was responsible for the Protect and Care team and consulted from 2019-2021 on the well-being team at Instagram - what he thought about the moderation changes at Meta :
'' They are taking away the most basic protections from the people who need it the most,'' he told me.
'' Users are now allowed to, for example, refer to ' women as household objects or property,'' CNN's Clare Duffy wrote, citing language that's been struck from Meta's hateful conduct policy.
This Operational Research and Publishing continues. The World Students Society thanks Jessica Grose.
With most respectful dedication to all the Girls on !WOW!, to all the women on !WOW!, the Global Founder Framers of The World Students Society - the exclusive and eternal ownership of every student in the world - and then Students, Professors and Teachers.
See You all prepare for Great Global Elections on !WOW! - for every subject in the world : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter X !E-WOW! - The Ecosystem 2011 :
Good Night and God Bless
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