

A SCOTSMAN'S HIGH FIVE : Patrick Doyle's five best film scores - including the pick of an undiscovered gem :

Scottish musician Patrick Doyle is an acclaimed composer of over 60 feature film scores, with many attendant accolades, honours and awards.

I first met him in 2001 while making a now long vanished series on movie music called Silverscreen Beats for BBC Radio.

I visited him at his office on the Shepperton lot in Surrey. There, I watched, enchanted, as he flitted between desk and piano bringing his creativity to life with his incredible musicality and riotous humour, illustrating scores such as Carlito's Way [1993 ], Sense and Sensibility [ 1995 ] and Gosford Park [ 2001 ].

So, years later, when the University of the West Scotland [ UWS ] presented Doyle with an honorary doctorate.

I wasted no time in asking him to visit and talk to our students. The film of that event is finally available online and is a treat for all fans of film music.

I could pick 20 favorite Patrick Doyle soundtrack for this '' best of '' list. In the end, I selected these four and asked him to pick a fifth.

1.-  Henry V [1989 ]

2.-  Brave [ 2012 ]

3.-  Sense and Sensibility [ 1995 ]

4.-  Carlito's Way [ 1993 ]

5.-  Indochine [ 1993 ]. DOYLE'S CHOICE

The World Students Society thanks Professor David Scott, Head of Division, School of Business and Creative Industries at the University of the West of Scotland in the UK.


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