

Our son has just received a generous gift from his grandparents : a $ 1,000 check to be deposited in his 529 plan for his future education.

It is an incredible gift, and we were surprised and grateful for it. We have also, thanks to a stroke of good luck with a job change and an inheritance, already funded his 529 plan such that there should be sufficient money to see him through four years of school in 17 years.

Because he might opt against college, earn a scholarship or not pursue postgraduate education, we don't want to overfund the plan.

Would it be unethical to invest the money in a brokerage account [ instead of a 529 ] on his behalf for his own use for education, a home or a wedding when he is an adult?

Should we tell his grandparents if we do? We want to honor the spirit of the gift and plan for his future responsibility. [ Name Withheld ]

Don't miss the answer from Kwame Anthiony Apiah who teaches philosophy at N.Y.U. , in the upcoming edition of Sam Daily Times. 


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